
The last time I tried using the water left over from cooking cabbage as the broth for oatmeal, I said it was bland. Cabbagy, but bland. What I forgot is that there’s more than one way to broth a cabbage.

So here’s the plan. Instead of forcing the poor, wilted cabbage leaves to carry the full flavor burden, why don’t we share it out, and use the cabbage as a supporting actor? Not in a three-drops-of-shoyu way, but in a somewhat bigger role? Like maybe half the broth?

Setup: 1/3 cup of stone ground rolled oats, one half cup cabbage broth, one half cup beef broth, two dinner teaspoons of potato flakes, salt. Cook for 10 minutes or so, depending on the exact style of oats. Add the potatoes at the end. I like to put a fat pinch of shred cheese at the bottom of the breakfast bowl.

Results: Very good. Beefy, with just an undertone of cabbagosity. You can go as low as 25% cabbage broth, but If you increase it above 50%, it lapses back into bland.

Rating: ***

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