Oily Oats

MJ cooked some turkey thighs the other day, browning them in olive oil and finishing them in the oven. Then she cooked some red Bell peppers and sliced onion in the turkey-infused olive oil. Never one to waste the chance of a new taste for breakfast, I dumped a third of a cup of oatmeal into the oil, and let it sit overnight.

Setup: 1/3 cup of stone ground rolled oats, soaked in flavor-infused olive oil, one cup broth, two dinner teaspoons of potato flakes, salt. Cook for 10 minutes or so, depending on the exact style of oats. Add the potatoes at the end.

Results: Meh. It was more oil-flavored than turkey-flavored. Pepper and onion showed up only when my spoon picked up an appropriate fragment. Perfectly acceptable as a savoury breakfast, but not worth repeating. Including more (any) of the pepper/onion mix would help, as long as you can find some leftovers.

Rating: **

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